CorrActions developed a patented AI software-based technology solution which  tracks the activity of driver’s brain control mechanisms in real time and is able to  detect activity deterioration. Corractions’ software solution reads brain  activity without contact with the head. The information is obtained from sensors  found in every vehicle, able to detect drunkenness, drowsiness, intoxication, exhaustion and others.

The situation:
Alcohol is a substance that reduces the function of the brain, impairing thinking, reasoning and muscle coordination. All these abilities are essential to operating a vehicle safely. As alcohol levels rise in a person’s system, the negative effects on the central nervous system increase.
Car accidents claim the lives of over 1.3 million people annually, mostly due to human errors such as fatigue, medical conditions, or the use of alcohol and drugs. For instance, alcohol is a substance that impairs brain function, affecting thinking, reasoning, and muscle coordination—skills crucial for safe vehicle operation. As alcohol levels elevate within an individual’s system, the adverse impact on the central nervous system intensifies. This is where Corractions’ technology comes into play: they monitor human motion, leveraging sensors already integrated into the vehicle, to detect errors before they occur.

What we did:
The chosen usecase is to test driver cognition, with an emphasis on DUI detection.
Initial stage was be based on steering wheel position/motion sensors as a simulation.
The second stages was tested in the vehicle in real driving conditions.

The chosen use case is to test driver cognition, with an emphasis on DUI detection.
The initial stage will be based on steering wheel position/motion sensors as a simulation. In the next stages,  CorrActions technology will be adjusted to function within the capabilities of Hyundai cars, and tested in the vehicle while driving.
Each driver is set to perform a 10 min test drive through the race course while sober, and is later tested in the same environment and conditions, after controlled alcohol consumption (up to 120 ml per driver).
While driving, Real time data is pulled from the car’s CAN BUS, providing information about the angle of the steering wheel. The data is analyzed by Corractions’ algorithm, it is possible to determine the platform’s accuracy and ability to identify the angle changes in each drive, comparing it to the driver’s cognitive state- before and after alcohol consumption.